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Summer Art Camp WEEK THREE July 8th-11th


I'm so EXCITED to be hosting a kids Summer Camp this year!!

Campers will complete 8 creative projects mixing a variety of art skills from painting to mixed media, paint pouring and more. Campers will get to pick themes and projects to match their unique personalities.


Just a few reminders:

• Please drop your child off by 9:00 a.m

• Pick-up is by 12:00 p.m.

•Cell phone use will be discouraged during the camp. Campers of course can have it with them, but we ask that it stays in their bag or away so it does not cause a disruption with other campers.


Safety Measures


1. Please be sure to list all adults allowed to pick up your child. If a change occurs, please email us or send a note in.

2. We will provide a snack and juice box every day. If you child would like an additional water bottle or snacks please send them with your child.


We are looking forward to a week of creative fun with all new projects that campers will be able to use for years to come! ***Please note especially that the first day projects are a bit Messy-- Please wear clothes that if there is a paint spill it's ok.


Camp will run from 9am-12pm, Monday-Thursday.

Ages 6+.

We will be providing a snack each day.



You may choose to pay in store, but you must submit your payment by Thursday, February 29th or you will lose your spot…thank you!!



***A questionaire will be mailed out once registration is completed and closer to camp time to help personalize the campers experience.

Kids Summer Art Camp WEEK THREE July 8th-11th

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